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Sentence examples for generating a plan from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

I'd like to be involved in generating a plan over the next two years.' He said: 'We don't have time for that.

In a more specific way, generating a plan may involve basically two aims, i.e., the reaching of a goal or the reaction to an external occurrence.

Most others would value a final hospital appointment generating a plan for further follow-up.

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similar ( 57 )

A real-life composition repository was used in the evaluation, generating a planning domain large enough to cause several state-of-the-art planners to crash.

Can we generate "A Plan"?

The three-person commission will have 60 days to analyze why the prosecutor's office has been unable to solve so many criminal cases, and will generate a plan to improve the trustworthiness of the institution.

The conference is expected to generate a plan to devolve some powers away from Westminster to Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester.

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