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Sentence examples for games on the fact that from inspiring English sources

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Zynga, for instance, has built its empire of Facebook games on the fact that millions of people are willing to pay for digital ephemera like buildings in CityVille.

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Pregame media coverage of the game focused on the fact that the 2009 Orange Bowl was Cincinnati's first Bowl Championship Series game in school history.

By contrast, Mr. Bush is basing his game plan on the fact that, while his margin in Florida today seemed to dwindle by the hour, he is still leading in the vote count there.

Like Priestley himself, Daldry plays games with time, alighting on the fact that the play was written in 1945 but set in 1912 and intended as a message to the future.

It's bad enough that EA doesn't trust its customers when they activate their games, but the fact that they keep checking on you stinks of hubris.

But in Entropia, the entire game system is based on the fact that 10 P.E.D.'s equal a dollar and that the game's virtual items and assets have real-world value.

THE waiting game is largely based on the fact that some 60percentt of Iran's 63 million people are too young to remember the shah's form of repression.

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