Sentence examples for for certain reasons from inspiring English sources

"for certain reasons" is a perfectly acceptable and usable phrase in written English.
It is most commonly used to mean that there are specific reasons or pieces of information that support or explain a certain decision or action. For example, "I decided to take the day off work for certain reasons."


However, SOME U.N. conference room papers have gotten a wider circulation for certain reasons.

He could leave only for certain reasons and had to notify prosecutors when he did.

"All I know is government was put here for certain reasons," Ms. Reimer said.

"This is a commercial movie that for certain reasons was released as a specialty movie," he said.

The alternative bills prohibit circumvention of copyright protection for certain reasons but do not outlaw circumvention devices.

Do you have questions about whether to embargo your dissertation if you don't want it read by the public immediately for certain reasons?

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The RFL is a 48-item self-report scale that measures participants' endorsement of certain reasons for living.

Particularly, if they recognise and accept certain reasons for adopting an alternative other than their first choice.

I don't dislike porn in theory, but in practice, those breasts are often made to look a certain way, the nipples not exactly freed but inflated and agitated into a certain erectness for a certain reason.

"If we had the best two wing-backs and I had to play with two strikers for a certain reason I would play it," he said.

"Often if people have had lots of miscarriages or lost a baby, the levels of anxiety are much higher, they want a certain thing for a certain reason," she says.

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