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exact ( 1 )

The choice of items measured by the network is so far dependent on routinely collected variables for research.

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similar ( 54 )

I remember the skeptical looks when I explained that European banks were in fact more vulnerable than American banks, that they were far more highly leveraged and far more dependent on short-term wholesale funding.

The fact that Buenos Aires was far less industrial than Chicago, and far more dependent on natural resources, set the stage for the declines of the 1930s, when the price of natural resources plummeted.

The public was far less dependent on electricity then and the system was far less interconnected at that time, so the damage was minimal.

We can see that using the classical approach will face some scalability issues while OLLAF offer a far better scalability potential as transfers cost is far less dependent on the platform size.

With very few exceptions – and the BBC Young Musician of the Year is one – they are microcosms of corruption far more dependent on who studied with who or which teachers are on the jury rather than who is the finest musician.

In recent years, the world has grown far too dependent on American consumer demand to support export-linked growth in other countries and the American consumer has grown far too dependent on cheap money to fuel spending, much of it lent by Asian central banks trying to keep their currencies artificially cheap in order to stimulate exports.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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