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Sentence examples for facilitate the delivery of from inspiring English sources

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The phrase 'facilitate the delivery of' is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to refer to making something easier or quicker to deliver or transport. For example, "The new fuel efficient trucks will facilitate the delivery of supplies to the remote village."

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They facilitate the delivery of the required immunosuppressive effect.

To facilitate the delivery of campus mail, the department name should be prominently displayed.

The management of postoperative pain is paramount to facilitate the delivery of day case surgical programs.

Modified electrodes are usually created either to facilitate the delivery of charge from an electrode to a substrate in solution or to transfer information within themselves.

The development of new techniques, such as the use of microneedles, can facilitate the delivery of vaccines into the skin.

These materials are used to facilitate the delivery of cells or drugs to diseased, damaged, or absent tissue.

Such an integrated framework of PHM in IBD will facilitate the delivery of high-value care to patients.

Furthermore, DSPE-PEG-AA-modified LHU nanodrugs (A-LHU) were developed to facilitate the delivery of nanodrugs to the tumor.

Stimulus prompting procedures may facilitate the delivery of DTT for the broad range of competencies needed during therapy.

Protein transduction domains (PTDs) are reagents that facilitate the delivery of diverse cargo to the interior of mammalian cells.

The city wanted landlords who could provide lots of apartments that were close together, an arrangement which would in theory facilitate the delivery of social services like job counseling and child care.

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