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exact ( 4 )

Investigators blamed human error, saying that rail traffic controllers were working under "abnormal conditions" because someone had stolen six feet of copper cable worth about $2.25, disabling the signal system.

This is an ongoing investigation into that failure, and when it first surfaced in June, Microsoft acknowledged the error, saying that it had "fallen short" of expectations and that it had "deep regret" over the mistake.

At the end of the upgrade you will receive an error saying that the upgrade failed and to contact Sony.

If you get an error saying that your current network card is busy, try the command "airmon-ng wlan0" (without quotes) and then repeat the commands in this guide using mon0 in place of wlan0 every time.

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similar ( 56 )

Richard Schmidt, who is perhaps the world's leading expert on pedal error, says that the Toyota sudden-acceleration controversy ought to have triggered a national discussion about safer driving.

But the largest number of those questioned, about 43percentt (with a 2.8 percentage-point margin of error), said that the greatest threat on the roads was aggressive driving, defined as tailgating, reckless speeding and darting across lanes.

The headline and standfirst on this article were amended on 16/10/2014 to correct errors saying that Vanita Gupta was to be nominated as attorney general.

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