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Sentence examples for enormous interest from from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 14 )

"We've had enormous interest from the usual suspects," Mr. Grainge said.

Last week, those students were among the first to complete a new M.F.A. program in fashion design that has drawn enormous interest from the industry.

Petty and Hindery said that there has been enormous interest from fans in buying metal die-cast model cars with the Yankees' paint scheme.

In recent years, quantum dots have generated enormous interest from the life sciences community due to their (largely) untapped potential in biomedical applications; particularly in bio-labeling and sensing.

Green says that dye-sensitized cells have "attracted enormous interest from the academic community, but they have made [little] commercial impact due to low efficiencies and doubtful durability," compared to commercial cells.

Mr. Shapiro said he expected enormous interest from researchers, who previously had to rely on documents in government archives in Washington, London and Moscow, which focused less on individual victims than on the functioning of the Nazi system.

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similar ( 46 )

The direct production of liquid fuels from CO2 hydrogenation has attracted enormous interest for its significant roles in mitigating CO2 emissions and reducing dependence on petrochemicals.

"In general, we have experienced an enormous interest for struvite precipitation in Nepal," Etter says.

A sound international economic order cannot be built on the assumption that the rumbustiously richest country will go on borrowing unprecedented amounts at enormous interest rates from everybody else for ever".1980: Ronald Reagan Are these the signs of a flexible man, a pragmatist rather than an ideologue?

Organic and polymeric materials have attracted enormous interest as materials from nonlinear optics because of their tailorability and easy processability.

Autonomous microswimmers are of enormous interest not only from an academic point of view, but also for future practical applications ranging from miniaturized motors to nanomedicine.

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