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Sentence examples for drawing on the store from inspiring English sources

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It is not sentimentality to declare that clubs can sometimes gain strength by drawing on the store of folk memories.

The Guardian - Sport
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When the panels ramp down at dusk or on cloudy days, the plants will crank up, drawing on the stored thermal energy.

The thyroid responds to this reduction either by producing less triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) or by drawing on the pool of iodine stored in the thyroid.

Other means of storing water Drawing on the United Nations Central Emergency Resource Fund and other donors, UNICEF with its partners helped re-establish other means of storing water.

Drawing on the huge diversity of seed samples stored in gene banks, breeders expose plants to different conditions (heat, drought, a new disease) to find the adaptive traits for producing the new varieties that farmers will grow in the future.

Just before the election, for example, we examined the property holdings of members of parliament over the past five years, drawing on information stored on the House of Commons' website, where each MP files changes every month.

For the past three years, the IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters, drawing on its unique store of patent data, has presented the "Top 100 Global Innovators" -- companies which, to a measurable extent, have distinguished themselves by turning creativity and originality into tangible assets.

Regarding phoneme restoration, for example, it could be that the effect is driven by listeners' drawing on information stored in a language-proprietary database (specifically, information about the linguistic types in the lexicon of English), rather than by their background beliefs about the linguistic context.

He urged his black listeners to try to help work out answers to common problems, drawing on their stores of "compassion and generosity".

And lest we run out of gas when food is short, the study also found that humans are fatter than other primates, giving us energy stores to draw on in lean times.

Drawing on contact information stored in TIMS, the program team conducted a telephone survey in mid-2005 to follow up on CS course participants whose information had been entered into TIMS through May 2005.

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