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Sentence examples for drawing on the chaos from inspiring English sources

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There's a huge market now in sword-and-sandal historical fiction drawing on the chaos of Roman politics and wars.

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"But we did draw on the chaos that comes along with the experience of being an intern, moving to a new city, having to run everywhere but not knowing where you're going". They also drew on their experiences dealing with chaos.

Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren opened their first shop, Let it Rock, in 1971, drawing on the stylistic chaos of British teenage fashion, mixing media, mixing messages, with the proviso that all of them were rude.

Mr. Davis, whom polls showed to be hugely unpopular even as he won re-election in November, found he had no reservoir of goodwill among the electorate to draw on as the state descended into political chaos.

To make it through this chaos, I draw on the memory of repeated viewings of Heat, pigeon my toes, narrow my eyes, summon McCauley's steely determination and hyper alertness, and bowl like Bobby.

To help identify the skills that might be needed for leadership in this new order, the King's Fund commissioned our fifth annual publication on leadership and management in the NHS and wider system, The practice of system leadership: being comfortable with chaos, which draws on the stories of 10 senior leaders.

In the south, a separatist movement is gathering momentum amid the chaos, drawing on long-entrenched animus toward the north.

"Darkness and chaos," she said, drawing on a cigarette.

Mr. Gaddis draws on recent theories of chaos and complexity to substantiate the argument that contrary to the common conception, it is, or at least it uses the same methods as the natural sciences.

All the composers, when called upon to talk about their music during a break in the program, drew on analogies from modern science: chaos theory, the structure of galaxies.

Such an approach is the calculation of the FD, a parameter based on the chaos theory.

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