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Sentence examples for disastrous factor from inspiring English sources

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According to St Petersburg psychiatrist Vladimir Pshizov, a disastrous factor for domestic psychiatry is that those who had committed the crime against humanity were allowed to stay on their positions until they can leave this world in a natural way.

Due to an increase in mean global temperature, heat stress has become a major disastrous factor that severely affects the crop cultivation and productivity.

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All of these factors had disastrous consequences for our farmers in a vicious "race to the bottom".

After being deposed in 1970, he threw his support behind the Khmer Rouge and became a key factor in its disastrous rise to power.

A significant factor in the disastrous U.S. attempt to rescue its hostages in Iran in 1980 was a failure to anticipate and prepare for seasonal sandstorms, which disabled several helicopters and forced the rescuers to abort their mission.

But population growth is only a secondary contributing factor to a disastrous pattern of land use driven by skewed incentives that encourage people to spread out in a low-density sprawl that in turn forces them to spend more and more of their time in cars.

Another factor in the disastrous 10 May on Everest was that whatever the expectations were, they were not made clear.

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