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Sentence examples for dire event from inspiring English sources

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In that dire event, Bayer executives would certainly regret their self-interested insistence on being the only U.S. supplier.

Israel's public security minister, Gilad Erdan, said: "The terror attack today is a severe and dire event in which all red lines have been crossed.

For anyone else, listening to the guffaws at Tory conference feels like being a teenager at some dire event your parents have dragged you to, and having to smile through gritted teeth while screaming silently inside your own head.

But it's new and especially bad -- as Dorothy Parker once said, not just terrible but terrible with raisins in it -- when they support it for no special reason, addressing no particular dire event or emergency, but just, you know, because.

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similar ( 56 )

They are being forced into the market by the dire events back home.

On Page 248, we learn about dire events at Countrywide Financial, the subprime lender.

Frequent repetition of these stories may lead people to overestimate the likelihood of future dire events.

That is enough oil to deal with all but the most dire events and could calm markets, cooling prices.

In some ways, the dire events transpiring at the American International Group, Wachovia and so many others were happening in a separate universe.

Indeed, each person thinks that he or she is responsible for the loss of Samuel, and for the dire events that follow.

The corkscrew of a narrative follows Donnie through dire events that aggravate his anguish; he causes a scene almost every time he interacts with others.

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