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exact ( 1 )

Microsoft has been spearheading the BaaS approach with Azure, which makes different blockchains available to users.

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similar ( 59 )

Two different readings are available to us.

This split would highlight different innovation strategies available to companies.

NASGO is working to make blockchain technology available to every small- to mid-sized business in minutes.

Hundreds of different strains are nowadays available to conduct different grape types fermentations8.

The worry at the time, which has since subsided, was that the different blockchains might make it hard to use existing bitcoins at all.

First, we have to find a way to connect different blockchains.

It's interesting to see how different blockchains are adopting various programming paradigms for their blockchains.

It's then transported to ScalaMed's e-prescription blockchain service through secure APIs, published to the blockchain and made available to the patient immediately via an app.

This will allow users to manage multiple cryptocurrencies across different blockchains, letting users receive value from different blockchain networks on the same BNS address.

Parity is spearheading a new network known as Polkadot, which is designed to create an interoperability layer between different blockchains.

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