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Sentence examples for development a plan from inspiring English sources

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Greece, for example, is trying to turn itself into a "green economy" focused on renewable energy development, a plan the government hopes will create more than 200,000 jobs by 2015.

It produced a declaration of principles (the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development), a plan for the sustainable development of the Earth's resources into the 21st century (Agenda 21), and guidelines for the management, conservation, and sustainable development of forests.

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The framework supports a development plan for a commercial website that may involve all aspects of a transaction.

There is also an opportunity to initiate a development plan to support improvement or leverage strengths.

It is the last stage before a development plan can be adopted by a local authority.

Apart from use in assessment, it can also function as a reflective journal, a personal development plan, and a skills map.

Teachers who receive an "ineffective" rating are to be given a development plan to address weaknesses.

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