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Sentence examples for destructive factor from inspiring English sources

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The main destructive factor for the obtained enzymatic preparation during storage is water (in immobilized products).

It is noteworthy that the most destructive factor causing wheel and rail wear, which can be significant and have negative consequences, is dynamic instability which is common to rail vehicles.

However, the finding of Tawakoli et al. [ 7] that the stained cells under investigation changed or even lost their viability shortly after intercalation of the dyes suggests that the "simple" incubation time is a crucial and potentially destructive factor.

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To address this problem, self-healing hydrogels which possess the intrinsic ability of self-repair have been developed to adapt to destructive factors.

Scientific advances in cariology in the past 150 years have led to the understanding that dental caries is a chronic, dietomicrobial, site-specific disease caused by a shift from protective factors favoring tooth remineralization to destructive factors leading to demineralization.

In contrast to the existing works in which some algorithms have been designed for ideal conditions, the destructive factors including external disturbances and input delay are considered in the dynamics of the agents in this work.

Anticorrosion coatings demonstrating the ability to recover their protective function after being damaged by different destructive factors represent one particular class of the new generation engineering materials—so-called self-materials, which are one of most rapidly growing fields in modern material science.

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