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Sentence examples for depending on the trend from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

The mean structure of proposed model has been optimized to maximize the accuracy of kriging model depending on the trend of true function.

Persons who have not yet died may have stable or improving imputed values, depending on the trend of their observed data.

Differences between the OD600 values of test wells and antibiotic-free wells were considered as an enhancement or reduction of the biofilms, depending on the trend of the change.

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similar ( 57 )

We tend to buy or prefer the same looks year after year, tweaking slightly depending on the trends, climate, event, age or body type.

Because the same quantity of years behind may correspond to different absolute gaps in life expectancy depending on the trends in the comparator countries, online supplementary figure A5 also reports, for men and women, the gap in life expectancy between the USA and the comparators, and between the USA and the leader.

Depending on the process trend, the output scaling factor (SF) of the controller is modified on-line by an updating factor.

Our findings are partially consistent with the reports linking suicide rates with GDP measures 8 11 12 but extend them by refining the direction of the correlation between suicide rates and GDP depending on the overall trends of economic expansion versus recession and distinguishing between developed and developing countries.

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