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Sentence examples for depending on the scenarios from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 12 )

Results could vary widely depending on the scenarios tested and sometimes yielded very high uncertainties.

(In an e-mail this week, Klabin wrote, "The overall potential of the new rules could range from 17to2828 billion tons of emissions of CO2, depending on the scenarios. The impact would be tremendous").

Some of the predicted effects of climate change include: a reduction in ice cover duration ranging between 15 to 44 days in 2050s and 27 to 81 days in 2080s, depending on the scenarios and hydro-climatic conditions of the reservoirs.

The context that is investigated in this article for the traffic flow or situation estimation will be defined in Section 3.3 depending on the scenarios.

Depending on the scenarios employed, GDP would decline within the range of 0.4 8.6 % for the first year of the price shock and 0.2 6 % of GDP during the second year.

But as presented in Table 2, the provider distances differ depending on the location, whereas the substrate amounts differ depending on the scenarios, leading to considerably different ecological pressures due to transport.

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similar ( 48 )

Depending on the scenario, group members belonged to one, two or four families.

We find potential for UCC support among one-half to two-thirds of respondents interested in purchasing a PEV, depending on the scenario.

Sometimes we'll do two on the stage depending on the scenario.

A more individualized approach to explaining motion-related variance may therefore be beneficial, depending on the scenario.

Substantial proportions of subjects (varying from 13.3%42%% depending on the scenario) expressed hypothetical acceptance of euthanasia and PAS.

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