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Sentence examples for depending on the deterioration from inspiring English sources

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"By that time we'll also have an idea about the stocks level, depending on the deterioration of the situation, whether demand is falling or stabilizing".


Depending on the deterioration of the stability margin, the background color of the display is sequentially changed from blue, to yellow, and finally to red.

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These are consistently 2 mm in thickness, but vary in height depending on the level of deterioration.

The kind of failure changed in some cases when passing from unconditioned to conditioned specimens; the bond strength, the maximum bond stress and the interface stiffness were affected by the treatment, manly depending on the adhesive resin deterioration.

Historical glasses show a superficial deterioration depending on the exhibition conditions submitted by the ancient objects since their origin.

In general terms, safety indicators improve in all scenarios, whereas spatial equity indicators show both slight improvements and deteriorations, depending on the specific model and case study area considered.

This can make formulations more realistic because no-repair/repair and failure events depend on the same deterioration processes, at the expense of numerically more elaborate computations.

The state S M depends on the stochastic deterioration process and the difference between S M and S M+d depends on the effect of PM. 4) Similar to the previous literatures, it is supposed that after PM the equipment will return to the previous state by one stage, like the model in Fig. 4.

The consumer body estimates that prices could be cut by between 19% and 26% next year - depending on the individual company - without any deterioration in service quality or reduction in environmental improvement measures.

In humans, four clinical forms of the disease have been described: neonatal, infantile, juvenile and adult, depending on the onset of the patient's neurological deterioration [ 2].

In humans, AD can be classified as: neonatal, infantile, juvenile and adult, depending on the onset of the patient's neurological deterioration [ 2].

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