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Sentence examples for depending on the constellation from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 6 )

However, when there is behavioral response, i.e. after an inclusion the probability of the next inclusion increases, the Lincoln-Peterson and the Chapman estimators are biased downwards whereas the capture-removal estimator might be less biased depending on the constellation of marginal distributions and occasion dependency.

Depending on the constellation of abnormalities, congenital heart disease is often categorized as either cyanotic (causing a bluish skin colour) or noncyanotic.

Depending on the constellation of these factors, income inequality may decrease or increase.

Simulation results show that, depending on the constellation size, coded -PSK signaling performs 3.1 to 5.2 dB better than uncoded -PSK signaling.

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similar ( 54 )

where C dem − ( M ) designates the complexity of processing one modulated symbol, which depends on the constellation size, without taking into consideration the a priori computation, and Cdecdesignates the complexity of processing one coded symbol.

The average power decrease, and the remaining PAPR increase, depends on the constellation.

As can be seen in the figures, the optimal angle depends on the constellation order and the channel characteristics.

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