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Sentence examples for dedicated to your job from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

The jobs can be interchangeable but be dedicated to your job during the chase.

These types of voluntary credentials not only solidify your own knowledge and skill in your profession, they also prove to potential employers that you're dedicated to your job.

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similar ( 54 )

If you have always wanted to be a nurse, your role model could be someone at your local hospital who is dedicated to their job and someone who you look up to for their achievements.

Over the last two years Tracey has turned an idea for having a job site dedicated to offering flexible job options upfront, into a nationwide job board.

Depending on your area of work, there are lots of organizations dedicated to different job types and these organizations often have annual meetings and other types of conferences or conventions.

B: I liked my boss very much, she guided me through the postdoc process and I admired her for a number of reasons: She was very dedicated to her job and she was hardworking.... R: Is there anything about your boss that you could not emulate in your own career?..

In these last few weeks you want to make sure to show your supervisor and the people you work with that you were (and still are!) really dedicated to the job.

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