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Sentence examples for dainty noses from inspiring English sources

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A young lady, with freckles and a depressed, dainty nose that by an optical illusion seemed to thrust her lips forward for a kiss, sauntered down into the box seats and with striking aplomb took a seat right behind the roof of the Oriole dugout.

She looks off to the right, staring out into the middle distance, her mouth shut tight, her dainty nose directed ever so slightly downward.

And, as Google did, has popped them on the dainty nose of a model to show them off in the above video, rather than opting to push the enterprise angle.

One bear – a huge hill of an animal with white and yellow fur, a battered nose and dainty cottonwool-like ears – swam to a nearby ice floe, where he sat staring at us.

Her nose is dainty and small; her lips are generally in a bit of a smile.

Perhaps a dainty summertime smattering across the bridge of the nose, but not a constellation extending from forehead to chin.

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