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Sentence examples for costly venture from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 22 )

Photovoltaic system installation is a costly venture.

Mr. Arnault also shut a costly venture into personal Internet investing, Europ@Web.

The Body Shop's costly venture into American retailing began auspiciously in the early 1990's, with sales and profits soaring.

Still, it was a costly venture for the company, not just financially, but in the strain on singers, choristers, orchestra players and the crew.

A year later, the country's new leader slammed the deal as a corrupt, costly venture that would burden the country with too much debt.

As Iran attempts to expand its influence across the tumultuous region, an enormously costly venture in both treasure and blood, nearly 30 million low-income Iranians face cuts in state subsidies in the coming months and years.

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similar ( 38 )

Just like last time, some of the costly ventures could turn out to be poor investments.

All too often, fragmented projects – often of a prestige kind – have resulted in unsustainable and costly ventures.

But it does reinforce the picture of a species that, for the most part, doesn't undertake dramatic, sustained and costly ventures without a near-term, practical imperative at the root.

There was little popular enthusiasm for costly ventures in foreign policy or expensive social reforms; the major exception the conquest of colonial empire had to be accomplished somewhat secretively and with limited resources.

Because the government has capped the total amount it can spend on subsidies, that would probably mean cutting the number of projects it pays for.A second worry is that these more bloated subsidies will discourage EU state-aid watchdogs from approving costly ventures such as the proposed nuclear power station at Hinkley Point.

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