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Radiological drain insertion is often perceived as a costly option for paracentesis.

In particular, based on the present analysis conducted, etanercept represents the least costly option for existing and new patients responding to therapy as well as for those not responding to therapy, followed by adalimumab and then infliximab.

Community involvement in As testing may provide a sustainable and less costly option for communities to monitor their As exposure and may represent a model for government or non-governmental agencies to conduct future interventions.

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Now, advocates for the poor are urging state and county officials to wade back into discussions about politically sensitive and potentially costly options for improving healthcare for those living here illegally.

Without access to preventive care, they argued, uninsured immigrants would simply turn to hospital emergency rooms, a far costlier option for the state.

Obama considers Vice-President Biden's less costly option of small deployments for counterterrorism strikes but rejects it, because it seems likely to end in a Taliban takeover.

If quality indicators are to be used to identify poor performance rather than to inform patients' choice, an alternative to the potentially costly option of obtaining communication scores for all individual practitioners might be to use organisation level assessments such as those provided in the English GP Patient Survey to screen for lower performing practices.

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