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Sentence examples for costly initiative from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 8 )

Environmental groups called the proposal a thinly veiled and costly initiative to elevate industry profits above health and safety concerns.

Though some researchers have said that there is not enough evidence to measure the effect of the costly initiative, the program has attracted admirers from Harvard to the White House.

The council passed the bill despite vigorous opposition from Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) and members of the business community, who portrayed it as a costly initiative that largely benefits residents of Maryland and Virginia who work in the city.

Among other problematic suggestions, McCain and Kyl have recommended expanding Operation Streamline, a costly initiative aimed at criminally prosecuting and imprisoning every immigrant who crosses the U.S.-Mexico border unlawfully.

The costly initiative is part of the Kremlin's plan to establish and control a North Sea Route (NSR) connecting shipping lanes between Europe and the Far East.

With no success in the Capitol, attorneys, along with malpractice victims and the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, decided last year to propose a ballot measure, hoping the threat of a costly initiative fight would induce a last-minute legislative deal.

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similar ( 52 )

Most have worked with greater economy than Whitehall's ham-fisted and costly initiatives.

But getting the cooperation of the private sector for some of the more costly initiatives may be difficult.

As we talked in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that the succession of so many costly initiatives, necessary as they may have been, wore on the public.

The news coincided with Mr. Spano's announcements of some costly initiatives, including a $50 million plan over five years to acquire open space.

"This means considering postponing new costly initiatives – even those we fully support – if that is the only way we can secure sufficient funding for mainstream social care services".

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