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Sentence examples for cooperate in keeping from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

Oral thermometers can be reliable when a child is old enough to cooperate in keeping the thermometer under the tongue for the required time.

In a visit to Saudi Arabia several weeks later, Musharraf requested that the Saudi leadership cooperate in keeping his opponent abroad until the elections scheduled for early the following year had been held; in response, King ʿAbd Allāh expressed a growing reluctance to maintain Saudi complicity in Sharif's exile.

That was a good time for powerful federal officials to remind these misguided locals from Miami of the need for law enforcement agencies to cooperate in keeping the peace and enforcing the law, and the grave dangers inherent in siding with the mob.

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similar ( 57 )

Mr. Fox needs to discourage illegal immigration and, in particular, to continue cooperating with American officials in keeping a vigilant counterterrorism watch at Mexico's airports and borders, a United States official here said.

Therefore, MYCN, NCYM, and OCT4 cooperate to induce each other, resulting in keeping their own expression at high levels and maintaining self-renewal of cells in MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas.

Both sides would agree to cooperate in reducing the influence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan; in combating drug trafficking; and in keeping open the routes through which energy flows to the world from the Persian Gulf.

It is thought to cooperate closely with the domestic security service, M.I.5, in keeping track of Irish terror groups.

Couples cooperate in child rearing without marrying.

I had promised to cooperate in 1951.

cooperate in addressing any such interference.

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