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Sentence examples for conveys images of from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 4 )

To Easterners, Washington conveys images of pine forests, snow-capped peaks and salmon leaping in icy streams.

"Generic Tree," a painting done on steel plates of uniform size, each separated from the next, conveys images of trees brushed with snow, inflected by a skeletal "live" one of raw wooden slats dotted with paint.

With its roots firmly in the apartheid era, for most Africans it still conveys images of armed police sweeping into the townships in their six wheeled Casspirs, at the height of the security clamp-downs, firing tear gas and rubber bullets.

An assistive robot conveys images of dependence and solitude, from which the elderly tend to distance themselves.

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similar ( 56 )

"It conveyed images of negative power and negative associations of Italian-Americans".

A1 As news reports conveyed images of agonized settlers and soldiers, some Palestinians celebrated the removal of those they saw as usurpers of their land and liberty.

Her work, which frequently uses lush, rhythmic language to convey images of physical and sexual violence, has been the subject of academic study.

They convey images of red tape, excessive rules and regulations, unimaginativeness, a lack of individual discretion, central control, and an absence of accountability.

"Rustling the Deities" for clarinet and piano by the Australian composer Nicholas Vines proved a riveting vehicle for Mr. Fingland's dazzling technique, while harnessing a certain ribald, wild energy that aptly conveyed images of satyrs reveling, rhyton in hand.

And it squares with much of what's taken place in response to the killing of Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in important ways, including the swiftness and brutality with which police met protestors in Ferguson and the importance of young people and youth culture in conveying images of that brutality to the world.

However, all focus group participants positively reviewed all the pictures conveying images of good hygiene practices and healthy people.

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