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Sentence examples for control medicine from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 10 )

The ability of governments to step in to control medicine prices is essential.

The placebo (the "control" medicine) is there to reduce any bias from faith in the treatment.

Such equations have extensive applications in economics, dynamic systems, optimal control, medicine, population dynamics, and many other fields.

The theory of differential equations with discontinuous trajectories during the last twenty years has been to a great extent stimulated by their numerous applications to problem arising in mechanics, electrical engineering, the theory of automatic control, medicine and biology.

The United States, which leaves pricing to market competition, has higher drug prices than other countries where governments directly or indirectly control medicine costs.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) asked the obvious question when she inquired incredulously, "Where are the women?" Attempts by Sandra Fluke, a college student that had hoped to speak about the wide role of birth control medicine in women's health, had been rebuffed with the statement that she wasn't "qualified to testify".

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similar ( 50 )

Availability of priority palliative care symptom control medicines improves the provision of palliation in the place of patient's choice including the community.

The goal of asthma treatment is to control the symptoms and maintain lung function over time using quick-relief medicines and long-term control medicines, if needed.

PhD, Political Theorist, Advocate for Improved Access to Internationally Controlled Medicines, Rights of Older Persons.

Common sense is what everyone else is an expert in, but you don't treat people's medical conditions with common sense (properly controlled medicines usually do the trick, though).

We demonstrate the explanation strategies with implemented examples in the domains of marketing, process control, and medicine.

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