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exact ( 1 )

The result for less affluent cities that are unable to keep up with the green building movement will be that, because of their decision to not implement more costly green standards, they cannot compete in keeping and drawing the residents they need to build thriving communities.

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similar ( 59 )

Mr. Park, who ruled for 18 years until his assassination in 1979, divided industrial areas among corporate leaders whom he trusted and viewed as capable of competing internationally, in keeping with his vision of Korea as an industrial power.

Ofcom said it had decided to reserve spectrum for Three or a new entrant to ensure that four players continue to compete in the UK market, keeping prices lower and ensuring better coverage.

Iain Duncan Smith has denied setting staff targets for sanctioning benefits claimants; but this paper has found evidence, not only of targets but even league tables for job centres to compete against each other in keeping claimants away from their money.

Both women, pictured as competing for an edge in keeping Primo private, carried it to an extreme that amounted to incarceration, one he partly depended on and partly could not bear.

"We were hoping more restaurants would switch but, for now, it's been impossible to compete with more traditional places in keeping front of the house staff who prefer the control and upside of the tip system".

But because Nationstar earns fees from selling homes through its auction site, as well as making new mortgages from winning bidders, that added business may compete with the company's interest in keeping borrowers in their homes.

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