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The phrase "busiest day of the week" is grammatically correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to refer to the day of the week with the most activity or activity level. For example, "Monday is usually the busiest day of the week for our retail stores."
Sunday is the "busiest" day of the week.
"The busiest day of the week was Thursday," she said, "when people were going to the cow sale".
All films faced the challenge of Bonfire night falling on a Saturday – usually the busiest day of the week for cinemas.
On a typical Friday, the busiest day of the week, 3,900 riders take Amtrak on routes within the state, Mr. Remington said.
Fridays, often the busiest day of the week, were taken up with constituency visits, surgeries and party meetings that would sometimes continue until late in the evening.
At T. Anthony Ltd., a luggage store on Park Avenue where an alligator duffle bag sells for $10,000, sales decreased as much as 35percentt during Summer Streets, said Jack D. Weiss, the store's retail director, putting a crimp on what is normally its busiest day of the week.
The busiest day of the holiday week was expected to be Friday, when an estimated 275,285 passengers and 120,500 vehicles were anticipated to arrive at the airport in a 24-hour period, or almost 200 passengers a minute and more than one vehicle every second.
British Airways, the largest carrier at Heathrow, says Thursday will be its busiest day of the three weeks around Easter, when it will fly 2.4 million passengers.
"That was the busiest day of our week".
About 30 trains traverse this track on the busiest day of week.
Thursday through Sunday are your baker's busiest days of the week giving other brides the same attention you want given to your cake, don't expect immediate replies to your email or calls during those days.
More suggestions(14)
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