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exact ( 3 )

There were no black actors on the list.

Because Simon and his primary writing partner, Ed Burns — a former Baltimore homicide detective who was once one of Simon's sources — are both middle-aged white men, people tend to assume that the dialogue spoken by the drug dealers and ghetto kids is ad-libbed by the black actors on the show.

Writing from Singapore, Chandran Nair scores Hollywood not only for the lack of black actors on the screen, but also for ignoring global voices even as its movies capture the world market.

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similar ( 57 )

Regardless of the genre of the film, (or TV show for that matter) you will always see one lone black actor on the billboard.

A black actor on the HBO drama series Treme said on Friday that he was stopped by police because of his race while shopping at Macy's flagship Manhattan store.

Occasionally you would see black actors on TV but even the most talented were struggling to make their names.

When Chappell adapted his play as the TV sitcom Rising Damp in 1974, the two men reprised their roles, and Warrington became one of the most prominent black actors on British TV.

With the occasional exception of characters like Earl Cameron's astronaut in The Tenth Planet or Carmen Munroe's Fariah in The Enemy of the World, there are very few black actors on screen.

Shade, of Broadway Black, agrees, and says the sudden visibility of black actors on Broadway will have important effects on theater's future.

But it's actually a far more subtle commentary on the death of the black male romantic lead, a reminder of the limited options for black actors on television.

After Viola Davis became the first black woman to win a best actress Emmy last year, and made a stirring speech about the lack of opportunity for black actors on television, this year's nominations were a showcase for diversity.

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