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The event also included a big announcement on the Originals front — The Handmaid's Tale, which Hopkins said was the service's most-watched premiere ever, has been reviewed for a second season.


The question of whether work hours and schedules affect people's health has been reviewed for a range of work patterns including shift work and overtime.

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In doing so, it added that its ratings on Williams would continue to be reviewed for a possible downgrade.

The data are displayed in an app on the phone and can be reviewed (for a fee) by a cardiologist.

And it follows a warning from the Standard & Poor's credit-rating agency that British Telecom was being reviewed for a possible downgrade.

She also confirmed that the government's counter-terror strategy, Prevent, would be reviewed for a second time since the government came to power.

Two Wall Street credit rating agencies then issued warnings that the company's long-term debt could be reviewed for a downgrade.

So far there has not been vocal criticism of the nominees, whose backgrounds were reviewed for a month and a half before the appointments were formally announced.

Emile Courtney, a credit analyst at Standard & Poor's, said the company's credit rating would be reviewed for a possible upgrade.

The N.F.L. spokesman Greg Aiello said on Twitter that Detroit was notified that Suh would not be suspended for last Thursday's "incident," though it would be reviewed for a potential fine.

The phantom and patient study were reviewed for a variety of quantitative features (e.g., uniformity, Max & Mean SUV values, etc).

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