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Sentence examples for awkward feet from inspiring English sources

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The twitch of the mustache is the focal point of the Tramp's social nervousness, as much as his flat, awkward feet are the focal point of his ingenuousness.

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In seven brief movements arranged symmetrically, Mr. Mackey conveyed impressions of a mountain-climbing excursion in Italy, conjuring awkward footing, thinning air and a lingering moment of time-stilled awe on reaching the peak.

Beautiful cagoules are stripped off (this is city who knows how look impeccable in waterproofs) and beer cups thrown to the floor as the awkward foot shuffling gives way to some all-out shimmying.

The show began on a messy, awkward foot, with Coldplay performing a limp medley in a blizzard of incoherent visual stimuli — neon digitalia, twirling Day-Glo umbrellas, bright flowers, and psychedelically patterned decorations meant to make reference to some combination of Woodstock and contemporary E.D.M. festivals.

A while ago I was on a slightly awkward footing with a lady I'd just met.

But we started off on an awkward foot -- no pun intended -- when I whipped out headphones, while she was presumably planning to, well, enjoy my company.

Shinjo avoided that by beating the relay throw to first with an awkward, feet-first slide into the bag.

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