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Sentence examples for at a blow from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 9 )

This could strangle the party rather than kill it at a blow.

He did not fear a foreign attack: "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow?

It would be an over-simplification to say that Chaplin resolved these tensions at a blow by making his war comedy Shoulder Arms, but the Tramp's appearance in the trenches was certainly well-timed.

At a blow, ballet has been brought right up in line with the front-rank experimenters in the other arts -- something which has hardly happened since the days of Diaghilev.

The interior minister hoisted the word to the highest point of its semantic load when he assured a resident of Argenteuil, in front of a TV camera: 'We will rid you of this rabble.' At a blow the word has again become taboo and politically incorrect".

Here the thermal oil system was installed at a blow film extruder.

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similar ( 51 )

Those silly people at Microsoft, "richly financ[ing]" a movement aimed at "striking a blow at... Microsoft".

At a blown-out wellhead, the earth may be shaking for a quarter-mile around, and the noise is deafening, even with earplugs.

Most shops have three converter shells and one trunnion ring at a blowing station, rotating them between operation, relining, and preheating.

The film cooling performance of one row of holes on both pressure and suction sides were investigated at a blowing ratio ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 on the pressure side and 0.25 to 0.625 on the suction side.

Sandblasting is obtained using (180 to 300 μ) particles, an air pressure of 3 bars for 4 min at a blowing distance of 20 to 40 cm ([Grob et al. 2009]).

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