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Sentence examples for at a bereavement from inspiring English sources

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The Duke of Cambridge has spoken of losing his mother in a moving address at a bereavement charity fundraising dinner.

When Sonny Fox and June August lost their husbands almost five years ago, little did they know that a chance meeting at a bereavement group would lead to a therapeutic collaboration on a musical about love, loss and recovery.

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My own path has led me to my work as a bereavement counselor at Care Dimensions, a non-profit hospice organization in the Boston area.

After returning from Aruba, back in the deep freeze of an unseasonably cold winter, I began a new job as a bereavement counselor at Care Dimensions, a non-profit hospice organization in Massachusetts, where I had been a volunteer over the last handful of years.

If there is a bereavement at home, they are often not told until just before they arrive back.

Even before the funeral, Ms. Nelson, a flight attendant, and her husband, Bill, a sales engineer, contacted a bereavement therapist at the Hospice Care Network, which is based in Woodbury.

"The difference is that when you are grieving now, it is not in isolation," said Pat Murphy, a bereavement specialist at University Hospital in Newark.

"Although it may be uncomfortable for you, because you're not quite sure what to say or do to 'make it better,' the key is to just listen," said Jackie Bustamante, a bereavement coordinator at Compassus, a nationwide provider of hospice care.

David Hamilton is a bereavement support coordinator at the Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People in Loughborough.

However, when meeting with those who have as part of a bereavement support group at a counseling or community center, this shared sorrow can also go a long way to helping the healing process.

(P09) There were bereavement support services available at the study hospital site, including a social worker, a psychologist and a bereavement counsellor.

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