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exact ( 2 )

Unfortunately, it cannot be directly applied to our context where the target and source data are completely different in terms of the data type as well as the data distribution.

Applied to our context, AAL support might range from the system providing no assistance (i.e., the ICP assists the PwD with no AAL support); to offering suggestions to the ICP (i.e., AAL support with ICP's permission) and to providing fully autonomous assistance, where the AAL system assists without any input or confirmation from the ICP.

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similar ( 58 )

We chose a subset of items that: 1) were most salient for this study; 2) required minimal rewording to apply to our context; and 3) were most dissimilar in content (i.e., we excluded items that appeared to be duplicative).

These studies predict in particular reaction times trends between Stay and Shift trials opposite to those described here, suggesting that the observations provided therein do not apply to our experimental context.

To the best of our knowledge, the TPB has not been applied to the context of determinants of surgical checklist use.

I took theology classes and learned that the context in which each part of the Bible was written is crucial to understanding the text and applying it appropriately to our context.

More important, our formalism can be applied to any geothermal context.

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Being a terminologist, I care about word choice. Ludwig simply helps me pick the best words for any translation. Five stars!


Maria Pia Montoro

Terminologist and Q/A Analyst @ Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

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