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exact ( 44 )

Do you simply follow conventional wisdom and strive to make a seamless transition to the new technology?

The people who make up the intelligence community are dedicated, hard-working and patriotic individuals who honestly believe in their mission and strive to make a difference.

As the dust settles on this last election, the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project will methodically analyze what occurred and strive to make voting easier and more reliable.

The Academy aims to increase technological collaboration worldwide, advance the development of cutting-edge technology, and strive to make the world more inclusive by narrowing the technology gap.

Children have become a key demographic for Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft as the companies move deeper into the home with smart speakers and strive to make their particular voice assistant a central part of the household.

This election is truly a monumental one, in which we, as voters, are asked about the kind of world we prefer, one in which we follow blindly in hopes of a good outcome, or one in which we constantly question our world and strive to make it a better place, thereby continuing our country's progress.

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similar ( 16 )

Bill cared for those around him and strove to make the world a better place.

He found Whitehall complacent and amateurish, and strove to make it more a deliverer of public services than a dispenser of advice.

He has also stirred things up by goading GQ editor Dylan Jones and striving to make each issue more controversial than the last.

My students are often like me: hardworking, juggling work and family, trying to pay the rent and striving to make their families proud.

We have increased our compost bins from one to four, eliminating two garbage bins and striving to make YDS the first Divinity School to become Zero Waste.

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