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Earlier this year the council imposed a reduction of a further £50,000 and propose to make further year-on-year funding reduction of £50,000 annually, the trust said.

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So how does a browser that does not harvest and track user data propose to make money?

Thus, the debate is to make their voice heard on the issues that matters to them and hear what they will propose to make the CRC a reality for all children.

ReprintsDr Hernández-Orallo and Dr Dowe, both computer scientists, propose to make their measurement by borrowing a concept called Kolmogorov complexity from information theory, a branch of computer science.

She said the watchdog was forcing companies to simplify their billing and tariff information and was proposing to make them publish wholesale energy prices two years in advance.

This particular meeting had been called by the rapper KRS-One, who recently founded an education project called Human Education Against Lies and was proposing to make a collaborative rap record and video to raise money for it.

("The committee members felt bad for the families of patients in severe coma, and they proposed to make the families feel better by killing their loved ones").

In the BsoBI DNA co-crystal structure the D246 residue makes a water-mediated hydrogen bond to N6 of the degenerate base adenine and was proposed to make a complementary bond to O6 of the alternative guanine residue.

In this model, a new kind of emerging prevention and control measures considering both effect and operation are proposed to make sure these actions close to practical situation as could as possible.

They were protesting against the way the majority of city-dwelling, politically correct New Labor members of Parliament were neglecting the countryside, presiding over the slow death of farming and, in particular, proposing to make the country sport of fox hunting a criminal offense.

AT&T's plan is to remove all regulations and obligations and they are doing this with a trick; the Internet is an 'information service' which does not have the obligations of a 'telecommunications' service -- and they are proposing to make everything regulated as the Internet.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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