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exact (6)

The hard question is whether, and if so how, such a subjectively universal judgment is possible.


Using the 2009 National Household Travel Survey, I investigate whether residence in a co-ethnic neighborhood affects the likelihood that ethnic minorities will form inter-household carpools, and if so, how such effects differ across race or ethnic groups.

A study on the seismic demand on braced-intersected beams in two-story X-braced frames is presented to address a major concern: whether or not the beam is likely to become inelastic during the design earthquake ground motion, and if so, how such inelastic deformation affects the seismic behavior of the frames as a whole.

But the study did not ask respondents about the deeper issues of community identity, and whether this was of concern to them and, if so, how such concerns might be addressed in the context of the research collaboration.

We investigated whether the preference for specific amplitude modulation rates in neuronal ensembles is systematically represented in the auditory cortex and, if so, how such an organisation is arranged relative to the tonotopic gradients across auditory fields.

Our aim was to ascertain attitudes of medical students and their teachers towards whole-person medicine and, specifically, spirituality and its relationship to health and disease, and to determine their views on whether and, if so, how such issues should be addressed in the UK undergraduate medical curriculum, and what forms of teaching and assessment might be appropriate.

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similar (53)

If so, how such an interaction occurs and by which mechanism remains unknown.

If Congress passes such a law, it should also require universities to disclose whether they give preferences on the basis of race and ethnicity -- and, if so, how heavily such preferences are weighed, which groups are given the preferences and other information the Supreme Court has ruled is relevant to the legality of such discrimination.

Is it limited to national security and foreign intelligence, and if so how are such terms defined?

That is, should the loss associated with a stillborn be measured in terms of the lost "potential life lived," and if so, how could such a counterfactual measure be made meaningful?

Since contact procedures could affect accurate measurements, we examined whether the act of gonioscopy could change the mean keratometry and corneal topography-based Sim K to such an extent so as to cause a change in the power of the lens implant (based on post-gonioscopy measurements) and, if so, how long such a change would last.

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Ha Thuy Vy

MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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