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exact ( 6 )

In other words, do the mutations that improve performance in the tough environment come with a fitness cost in the relaxed one, and if so, how large a cost is it?

From a transportation research perspective, the questions immediately asked are (i) what economic incentives make the purchase and use of EVs in Norway so attractive to road users; (ii) do these incentives have any adverse effects and, if so, how large are they; and (iii) how does the marginal external cost of EVs compare to that of conventional vehicles.

It is unknown whether M. semispinalis was present, and if so, how large it was in the caudal region.

The aim of the present study is to determine whether human being is able to recognize object instantaneously using peripheral vision without saccadic eye movement, and if so, how large is the field of attention (FA) for instantaneous object recognizing and how is recognizing accuracy distributed over the field.

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similar ( 54 )

If so, how large should it be?

Is it possible to grow large ones here, and if so, how? A. There are three keys to large flower-covered potentillas: choose the right variety, prune yearly and have cool nights.

The crucial issue was how the average binding rate fluctuates on a larger timescale, i.e., do the large variations in binding rates in each time-step average-out at a larger timescale and if so, how small can this timescale be?

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