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For instance, on February 21 1944, UNWCC delegates debated whether "crimes against humanity" was a category of crimes distinct from war crimes, and if so, how was it different.

It may ask, for example, whether a programme works more or less well, and/or through different mechanisms, in different localities (and if so, how and why); or for different population groups (eg, men and women, or groups with differing socioeconomic status).

AP: Do you think, and if so how, that modeling is different for a man than for a woman?

If he was writing Down and Out in Paris and London today would it be very different and, if so, how?

Would an attack on Iran be legally different, and if so, how? 4. Are there any circumstances — including in matters of detention, surveillance, interrogation and troop deployments — under which you believe that presidents have the constitutional power as commander in chief to bypass laws in order to take an action they think is necessary to protect national security?

Do different situations in which biomarkers are measured mean different necessary views and if so, how can we judge those?

Does a proven quality improvement (QI) vary in its effectiveness in different settings and if so, how and why?

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