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exact ( 6 )

Identifying the basic module of enzymatic amplification as an irreversible cycle of messenger activation/deactivation by a "push-pull" pair of opposing enzymes, we analyze it in terms of gain, bandwidth, noise, and power consumption.

And one cannot analyze it in terms of believing-true a sentence that expressing the same proposition or worse still believing the proposition expressed by the embedded sentence, on pains of reverting to the thesis of propositionalism that the theory was designed to avoid.

We analyze it in terms of the electric fields, changes in ionospheric conductivities during the radar operation, and the linear fit applied between the EEF components inferred on February 7 , 2001 and the corresponding components inferred from the 12 simulations (Ey U/O and Ez U/O) given in Table 2.

This conceptualisation challenges any notion of SLI as a single syndrome and also suggests that we may need to analyze it in terms of dimensions of impairment instead of looking for discrete subtypes.

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similar ( 54 )

In the Treasury of Higher Knowledge (AKBh ad I, 17), Vasubandhu provides the following list to account for the causal relations that obtain between the sensory systems and their bases or domains of activity (āyatana): Thus the Buddhist accounts for sensory activity and cognitive awareness by reducing experience to its contents and analyzing it in terms of its constitutive elements and functions.

Analyzing it in terms of the Shiite principle of taqiyya, or dissimulation, about one's religious beliefs is reductionist and inappropriate.

Then we assess this unifiying endeavor, analyzing it in terms of an all-encompassing glance, of the discovery of sameness, and/or of an explanatory history or theory.

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