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exact ( 6 )

Western bomb disposal technicians who reviewed the images for The New York Times said that a more thorough analysis of the device is difficult without more information, and that assessments of the bomb could change as the authorities analyze it further and if they collect more evidence.

Of course, another next step is to keep collecting this survey data and analyze it further.

Then analyze it further.

It is useless to analyze it further.

deltaD was expressed more weakly in xanthophores than deltaC or delta-like 4 so we did not analyze it further.

We analyze it further by expanding the last three columns of the Y1 row of Table 1 into a histogram of the difference in the number of GE50U alignments in the Y1 run versus M (Fig. 2).

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similar ( 54 )

Since previous reports did not lead us to anticipate any effects from the present task on this early visual sensory component, we did not analyze it any further.

Many cultures have long been butt-obsessed, and the crew over at is part of that they're a collective of people from all over the world held together by their love for the posterior, and going to insanely nerdy lengths to analyze it, and to further educate the masses on asses.

Firstly, sonar detects the arrival of MO in RoI and then cameras are switched ON to further analyze it.

It obtains the grammatical and collocational relations of the target word, so researchers can further analyze it based on the results.

Instead, he and his colleagues are gathering info on how people interact with the bot to further analyze it.

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Ha Thuy Vy

MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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