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Sentence examples for afflict from inspiring English sources




To cause (someone) pain, suffering or distress.

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The word 'afflict' is correct and usable in written English. You can use 'afflict' to describe when something bad or unpleasant affects a person or situation. Example sentence: The storm afflicted the small town, causing significant damage.

exact ( 60 )

But the power of a poisonous legacy does not afflict Labour alone.

That in itself presents them with a tricky dilemma, because playing for a draw is a dangerous game, especially if Petr Cech has another one of the brain melts that only seem to afflict him when playing for his country.

And it would give blacks a leader whose near-mythical reputation had hoisted him above the rivalries and dogmas that afflict so many of his followers.

Many of the troubles that afflict public-sector banks, including political interference, a lack of talent in the boardroom and the herd mentality that encourages them to charge into the same bad bets, stem from majority state ownership (see article).

There are very few such countries, he adds.Questioned about Russia's problems, Mr Ivanov tends to produce a litany of familiar answers: they come from outside, they afflict other countries too, or they are not really problems at all.

Many of the ailments that afflict the big drug firms are a result of changes in the industry that began in the early 1990s.

But amid the ruin and violence that afflict the city, they seem more like a cruel joke, for almost nobody has a telephone.Over the decade since Russian troops invaded the rebellious republic in December 1994, tens of thousands of people have been killed in Chechnya.

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