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Sentence examples for abundance of bright light from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 1 )

High-key lighting denotes an abundance of bright light and usually involves low contrast and a small difference between the brightest and dimmest light.

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similar ( 59 )

A study on unilateral exposure to bright light has demonstrated more pronounced effects of bright light on the right hemisphere.

There are visions of bright light.

Circadian Phase-Shifting Effects of Bright Light, Exercise, and Bright Light + Exercise.

No effects of bright light on mood were observed in women who were using contraceptives.

Other tasks showed more mixed and sometimes even adverse effects of bright light.

The curve of the filtering rate of bright light can be obtained using the computational model.

Alertness-enhancing effects of bright light are particularly strong at night or after sleep deprivation.

Visual stimuli were created using three levels of bright light shined directly at the participants' eyes in a randomized sequence produced by Microsoft Excel: (i) 1000 lux bright light; (ii) 3000 lux bright light; (iii) 9000 lux bright light [26, 27].

Whereas the antidepressant effects of bright light have been examined in dozens of studies, the studies did not focus on potential anxiolytic effects of bright light.

Some correlates of health and fitness, such as better psychological health and greater habitual exposure to bright outdoor light, might have attenuated the anxiolytic effects of bright light.

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