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Sentence examples for a widespread audience from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "a widespread audience" is grammatically correct and usable in written English. You can use this phrase when you are discussing something that is accessible to, or has an impact on, a large number of people. For example, you could use it in the following sentence: "This documentary has reached a widespread audience, transforming the way people think about the environment.".

exact ( 7 )

The role brought Hogan to a widespread audience.

On the other hand, women's college basketball still struggles to attract a widespread audience three decades after the N.C.A.A. tournament began in 1982.

Certainly, there has always been in America a widespread audience for graphic material, as well as a widespread ambivalence about it.

Finally, Hard mode was removed due to the developers feeling that the Normal mode was designed in such a way that a widespread audience could enjoy it.

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It is winning a widespread hearing.

Signs scattered throughout the Jays' stadium boasted about the new and widespread audience the team has gained.

Because it explains whether ephemeral messaging is a niche activity frequently done by a small audience — or — a widespread phenomenon a large audience is dabbling in.

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