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Sentence examples for a straightforward scenario from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 5 )

It was also one far removed from the complexities of the game; this was a straightforward scenario, which had an instant and straightforward solution.

These scenarios were analyzed using a straightforward scenario approach to spatially identify, map and analyze change.

Martin Rees of Cambridge University, United Kingdom, agrees with Krauss and Scherrer's calculations and says they have created "a straightforward scenario" for the long-term future.

In a straightforward scenario, oligomerization of STIM1 likely helps to extend its C-terminal conformation controlled by domains within the first and third coiled-coil regions.

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similar ( 55 )

"The interesting thing about Sun is that it's not easy to split up or sell as a whole," says Gillett. "I can't come up with any straightforward scenario in which someone snaps up the company".

"I can't come up with any straightforward scenario in which someone snaps up the company".

We did this in the context of a relatively straightforward scenario: the diagnosis of dementia is certain, a helpful carer is present, the patient has insight and the professional has sufficient time.

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