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Sentence examples for a previous conversation from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 22 )

First, having had a previous conversation with the patient about her preferences for treatment.

One junior trader in London, Julien Grout, told Mr. Iksil in a recorded phone conversation: "I am not marking at mids as per a previous conversation".

A junior trader in London, the subcommittee said, also told Mr. Iksil in a recorded conversation, "I am not marking at mids as per a previous conversation".

Behavioural findings from the hazard perception test indicate significantly increased reaction times to hazardous stimuli and significantly increased false alarm rates to non-hazardous stimuli in the high cognitive load condition (when contemplating a previous conversation).

Follow-up letters might be sent weeks after the first thank you note in order to touch base and either reintroduce yourself or build upon a previous conversation — whether it was about the industry, job leads, or other information.

The complainant said Newland then referred to a previous conversation they had had about a movie called 17 Again in which a character is transported into a younger body and has to convince people it is actually him.

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similar ( 38 )

Note the callback to their previous conversation — they met at a barbecue in Brooklyn earlier that week — and an invitation to do something at a specific time.

Since this is a new beginning, do not rehash your previous conversation or comment on it.

This is one email that should be a bit longer because you will be providing details of the previous conversation.

The incidents mostly comprise petty vandalism, silly stunts (someone left a sex manual in his bedroom) and phones that play back your previous conversation.

Did he imagine the previous conversation?

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