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Sentence examples for a passionate concern from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 15 )

People like this are a passionate concern of Stern's.

Norton's style is whimsical but tempered by a passionate concern for the ocean's vulnerability to human impact.

The psychologist and psychotherapist Josephine Klein, who has died aged 92, had a passionate concern for social justice.

He found it hard to imagine that the new smooth, welcoming approach of stations today could ever instill a passionate concern for music in a new generation.

His father was a Cornish farmer, a fisherman and a highly respected naturalist with a passionate concern for the land and sea of his home county.

The developers also found themselves doing business with people with an uncommonly long-range view and a passionate concern about the consequences for future generations.

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similar ( 45 )

Although it is nonbinding and has no force of law in the United States, it has increasingly become a point of passionate concern to a circle of Republican activists who argue that the resolution is part of a United Nations plot to deny Americans their property rights.

Although Sallust and earlier historians had also adopted the outlook that morality was in steady decline and had argued that people do the sort of things they do because they are the sort of people they are, for Livy these beliefs were a matter of passionate concern.

It seems to develop because the mechanic, if he is the sort who goes on to become good at it, internalizes the healthy functioning of the motorcycle as an object of passionate concern.

McEvoy argues that "Priestley's isolated and lonely opposition to the oxygen theory was a measure of his passionate concern for the principles of intellectual freedom, epistemic equality and critical inquiry".

Fortuitously, she encountered psychiatry through a clinical placement, and began her passionate concern for, and affinity with, people with mental disorders.

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