Sentence examples for a pair of wheels from inspiring English sources

"a pair of wheels" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to refer to two circular objects that have an axle which can be used to move something. For example, "The carpenter built a table with a pair of wheels attached to one side for easy transportation."


It might be a pair of wheels like the one Vanna White spins on "Wheel of Fortune".

Inside a turbocharger, a pair of wheels with curved fan blades — think of toy pinwheels — are attached to a common shaft.

You take a private car everywhere, so there is no issue about having to get on the bus or the tube with a pair of wheels.

Only joking, it was like someone stuck a pair of wheels and a silver puffa on a rape alarm and pushed it down a steep hill.

The single-axle (or walking) tractor is a small tractor carried on a pair of wheels fixed to a single-drive axle; the operator usually walks behind, gripping a pair of handles.

The system is made of a pair of wheels carried on leaf sprigs or leaf-sprung arms.

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Skaar and Fehr outfitted a motorized wheelchair with two video cameras, a pair of wheel rotation sensors, and a laptop computer.

For example, Kontra, Goldin-Meadow, and Beilock (2012) conducted a study in which college undergraduates learned about angular momentum either by manipulating a pair of bicycle wheels on an axle, or by receiving verbal descriptions while observing others manipulate the wheels.

Nearly two weeks ago, another performer was injured after falling from the "Wheel of Death," a pair of spinning wheels in which the daredevils walk, during a Las Vegas show.

During the simulation, water would pass through three pairs of paddle wheels in sequence; therefore, the water speed profile would change after passing a pair of paddle wheels and would then affect the power generation of the next pair of paddle wheels.

When you board, the vehicle is tilted forward and resting on a pair of training wheels.

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