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Sentence examples for a murky environment from inspiring English sources

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Layering cones on top of rods allows the elephantnose fish to see low-contrast objects in a murky environment.

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There are a lot of gray areas, so you have to feel confident and be able to work within a murkier environment.

"The monitors are going to be stuck in the middle of an extremely murky environment," Hokayem said.

Despite a murky regulatory environment, several companies were extracting the compound from industrial hemp grown outside the United States and importing the paste into the United States and then converting it into products like tinctures.

The Lennox Virtual Academy operated in what legal experts have called a murky regulatory environment.

Why all the buzz about these tours and why are they selling so well in a murky economic environment?

It's one of many drugs wading through a murky legal environment and challenging law enforcement's ability to keep people safe.

Introduce a culture of excessive executive rewards to this murky environment and you create the ideal conditions for high and unaccountable pay to flourish.

Against all obstacles, year after year photographers have tried their luck in this murky environment, and surprisingly often they have succeeded.

It was in this murky environment that the dispute over claims to the mineral wealth began, pitting Gulf coast states, particularly Louisiana and Texas, against the federal government.

Though these tidal disruption events are thought to be common, they are rarely detected because of the murky environment surrounding supermassive black holes, where light is obscured by clouds of dust and gas.

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