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Sentence examples for a massive population from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 24 )

One is a massive population explosion across the Arab world.

"Katrina entailed a massive population displacement that basically emptied out the city," she added.

The city experienced a massive population expansion in the 20th century caused by migration from rural areas, and large residential developments were constructed to keep up with the demand for housing.

That we're in the midst of a massive population explosion, a credit crisis, there's climate chaos, poverty, unprecedented loss of species, loss of open wild space, resource depletion and growing dead zones and yet we still act slowly, if at all.

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similar ( 35 )

Initial studies showed that the LW radiation from a single massive Population III star is sufficient to prevent further cooling and star formation in the halo in which the star formed (Omukai and Nishi 1999; Nishi and Tashiro 2000; Glover and Brand 2001).

Economic change came as a result of massive population shifts and the social reorganization of labour rather than technological improvement.

Chimpanzees, unlike modern humans, have not experienced a species wide massive population bottleneck and harbor more genetic variation than humans.

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